uuidv7: generate UUID v7 strings, command line edition

To update or switch versions, run webi uuidv7@stable.

Cheat Sheet

uuidv7 exists because somebody was tired of searching "UUID v7 generator" just to get a test value for a little ditty now and then. Though, the time spent creating it will probably never be recouped...


Table of Contents

  • Files
  • Generating Many UUIDv7s
  • Roll Your Own UUID v7 Generator
  • Understanding the UUID v7 spec
    • UUID v7, by the String
    • UUID v7, by the Byte


These are the files / directories that are created and/or modified with this install:


How to Generate Many v7 UUIDs at Once

uuidv7 ; uuidv7 ; uuidv7

How to Generate UPPER CASE (like uuidgen)

uuidv7 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'

How to Generate v4 UUIDs?

Use uuidgen.

uuidgen | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

How could I roll my own UUID v7 generator?

It's not that hard. There are examples in many languages here:

See the simplified spec examples below.

What's the UUID v7 spec, in simple terms?

See the explanation here:

A snapshot of that is copied here, for convenience:

UUID v7, by the Characters

There are 36 characters total: 32 hex (0123456789abcdef) + 4 dashes (-)

  8 time    4 time    1v + 3ra   ½v + 3½rb    12 random b
019212d3  -  87f4   -   7d25   -   902e   -   b8d39fe07f08
  • 8ch hex time high
  • -
  • 4ch hex time low
  • -
  • 4ch hex version + "random a"
    • 1ch hex version: 7
    • 3ch hex "random a"
  • -
  • 4ch hex variant + "random b"
    • 1ch hex version: 8, 9, a, b
    • 3ch hex "random b"
  • -
  • 12ch hex randam a
    • 4ch hex random a
    • 8ch hex random a

UUID v7, by the Bits

There are 128 bits total:
48 time and 80 random, with 4 version and 2 variant bits substituted

   48 time         4ver, 12ra   2var, 14rb        random b
019212d3-87f4    -    7d25    -    902e    -    b8d39fe07f08
  • 48 bits of timestamp
    • 32-bit high (minutes to years)
    • 16-bit low (seconds & milliseconds)
  • 16 bits of version + random
    • 4-bit version (0b0111)
    • 12-bit random
  • 64-bits variant + random
    • 2-bit variant (0b10)
    • 62-bit random


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