PostgreSQL: The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database.

To update or switch versions, run webi postgres@stable (or @v10, @beta, etc).


These are the files / directories that are created and/or modified with this install:


# for psql (postgres client)

Cheat Sheet

Postgres is the all-in-one database for beginners and experts alike. It handles SQL, 'NoSQL', JSON, HSTORE, Full-Text Search, Messages Queues and more. Best bang for buck.

To enable Postgres as a Linux Service with serviceman:
(see macOS below)

serviceman add --name 'postgres' --workdir ~/.local/share/postgres/var -- \
    postgres -D ~/.local/share/postgres/var -p 5432

sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

To login:
(see creating remote app users below)

# as Postgres admin
psql "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres"

# as remote user
psql "postgres://"

Table of Contents

  • Server vs Client & PG Essentials
  • Initialize a database with a password
  • Start the Postgres Server
    • development
    • systemd (most Linuxes)
    • OpenRC (container Linuxes)
    • macOS
  • Enable Secure Remote Access
  • Create Secure Remote App (User/DB)
  • Change an User's (App's) password

Where to Find the Postgres Client Cheat Sheet

This is exclusively a server-side cheat sheet.

For the client-side cheat sheet, see The PSQL (Client) Cheat Sheet.

For a collection of other helpful scripts, see PG Essentials:

  • pg-register-service
  • pg-addgroup
  • pg-adduser
  • pg-passwd

How to Initialize the Postgres Database (with password)

  1. Create a database directory, paired to the Postgres version
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/postgres-17/var/
  2. Use a password file and initdb to create a new DB directory
    echo 'postgres' > /tmp/pwfile && \
    initdb -D ~/.local/share/postgres/var/ \
        --username 'postgres' --pwfile /tmp/pwfile \
        --auth-local=password --auth-host=password \ &&
    rm /tmp/pwfile
  3. Test that the server starts
    postgres -D ~/.local/share/postgres/var -p 5432
    (kill with ctrl+c)

How to run the Postgres server (daemon or foreground)

  • foreground (development)
  • systemd (Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, etc)
  • OpenRC (Alpine, Arch, Gentoo, etc)
  • macOS (launchd)

To run in the foreground (for development):

postgres -D ~/.local/share/postgres/var -p 5432

Debian / Systemd

curl | sh
serviceman add --name 'postgres' --workdir ~/.local/share/postgres/var -- \
    postgres -D ~/.local/share/postgres/var -p 5432

sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
sudo journalctl -xefu postgres

Alpine / OpenRC



description="postgres daemon"
command_args="-D /home/app/.local/share/postgres/var -p 5432"


depend() {
    need net

start_pre() {
    checkpath --directory --owner root /var/log/
    checkpath --file --owner ${command_user} ${output_log} ${error_log}

start() {
    ebegin "Starting ${name}"
    supervise-daemon ${name} --start \
        --stdout ${output_log} \
        --stderr ${error_log} \
        --pidfile /run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid \
        --respawn-delay 5 \
        --respawn-max 10 \
        -- \
        ${command} \
        ${command_args} \
    eend $?

stop() {
    ebegin "Stopping ${name}"
    supervise-daemon ${name} --stop \
        --pidfile /run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid
    eend $?
sudo rc-update add postgres
sudo rc-service postgres restart

sudo tail -f /var/log/postgres


serviceman add --name 'postgres' --workdir ~/.local/share/postgres/var -- \
    postgres -D ~/.local/share/postgres/var -p 5432

tail -f ~/.local/share/postgres/var/log/postgres.log

How to Enable Secure Remote Postgres Access

  1. Create the my_remote_users group:

    echo 'CREATE ROLE "my_remote_users" NOLOGIN;' |
        psql "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres" -f -
  2. Update the hba permissions to enable App users (sameuser):

    # Allow 'my_remote_users' to connect remotely directly over the internet
    hostssl sameuser         +my_remote_users             scram-sha-256
    hostssl sameuser         +my_remote_users        ::0/0                 scram-sha-256
    # Allow 'my_remote_users' group to connect through a local TLS-terminating proxy
    hostnossl sameuser       +my_remote_users           scram-sha-256
    hostnossl sameuser       +my_remote_users        ::1/128               scram-sha-256
    host      sameuser       +my_remote_users            scram-sha-256
    host      sameuser       +my_remote_users         scram-sha-256
    host      sameuser       +my_remote_users        scram-sha-256
    host      sameuser       +my_remote_users        fc00::/7              scram-sha-256
  3. Create a 10-year Self-signed cert for your server name or IP
    openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -text \
        -out ./server.crt -keyout ./server.key -subj "/CN=$my_host"
    chmod 0600 ./server.key ./server.crt
    mv ./server.key ./server.crt ~/.local/share/postgres/var/
  4. Update the main postgres config to allow secure connections:

    ssl = on
    password_encryption = scram-sha-256
    listen_addresses = '*'
  5. Restart Postgres for the change to take effect

    # all unixes
    killall postgres
    # systemd (Debian, Ubunut, RedHat, Suse, etc)
    sudo systemctl restart postgres
    # openrc (Alpine, Gentoo, Arch)
    rc-service postgres restart
    # macos
    launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/postgres.plist
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/postgres.plist

How to Create Secure Remote Users

The sameuser database directive REQUIRES the user and db name to be the same.


# e.g. generate password / token with 'xxd -l16 -ps /dev/urandom'

echo "
   CREATE DATABASE \"$my_app\";
       IN ROLE \"my_remote_users\" ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '$my_token';
   GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE \"$my_app\" to \"$my_app\";
" | psql "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres" -f -


  • quote style matters:
    • double quotes " for identifiers (users, tables, groups, roles)
    • single quotes ' for values (password)

How to Change a DB's Password

my_token="$(xxd -l16 -ps /dev/urandom)"

echo "ALTER USER \"$my_app\" PASSWORD '$my_token';" |
    psql 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres' -f -


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