🦊 An interactive CLI for creating conventional commits.

To update or switch versions, run webi koji@stable (or @v2, @beta, etc).

Note: You should install git before installing koji.

Cheat Sheet

koji is an interactive CLI for creating conventional commits.

You can use koji in one of two ways:

  1. koji instead of git commit
  2. koji --hook in ./.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
    (to be run by git commit)

Here's the shortlist of options we've found most useful:

-e, --emoji - use emoji for commit type (ex: `✨ feat:`)
-a, --autocomplete - guess 'scope' based on commit history (slow on large projects)
--hook - expect to be run from 'git commit', rather than wrap it


These are the files that are created and/or modified with this installer:


How to use koji (standalone)

In this case, koji acts as a wrapper around git commit:

git add example.env

# same as `git commit`, but interactive

How to use koji as a commit hook

Just add koji --hook to your project's .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg:

echo >> ./.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg << "EOF"
koji --hook

chmod a+x ./.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
# will run koji by way of prepare-commit-msg
git commit

How to use Emoji

You can use -e (or --emoji) to prepend your commit message with the relevant emoji for the commit type:

koji -e

As a git hook:


koji --emoji --hook

You can also use shortcodes (:pinched_fingers:) in the scope, summary, or body.

How to configure Koji (custom emoji)

You can add custom commit types via a koji.toml in the project directory.

For example:

name = "feat"
emoji = "✨"
description = "A new feature"

The default emoji can be seen in default.toml.


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